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Welcome to the Coral Springs Coconut Creek Regional Chamber!

Our Mission:
We are the voice of business, the engine for economic growth, and a champion for a thriving and welcoming community.

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Platinum Circle Partners

Our Chamber

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Photo Gallery

Did you get your photo taken at any of our events? Chances are it's right here! Click "View More" below to take a look through our photo gallery for photos taken at our events.

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Chamber Perks

The Chamber works to provide its members with special members-only programs designed to help your business grow. Saving our members money is our top priority at the Coral Springs Coconut Creek Regional Chamber of Commerce.

Check it out!

#HowTo Add Events Tutorial Video:

#HowTo Join The Chamber:

Quick Links

Make sure you’re taking advantage of our Chamber business savings program from our complimentary Office Depot OfficeMax for our Chamber members!

Click here to sign up or learn more! 

Toastmasters: Public Speaking

The CSCCR Chamber is sponsoring our own Toastmasters Club. If you are committed to improving your speaking skills, developing your leadership skills, and expanding your network we encourage you to take a look at CSCCR Chamber Voices.

"I have a success story to share with you.  Remember the Chamber for Good meeting that I presented at?  A lady named Michelle Reese came up to me to introduce herself and to tell me that she had made many referrals to Tomorrow's Rainbow.  We spoke a bit before the meeting and then walked each other to our cars afterward.  It turns out, that she is a highly skilled non-profit executive that was currently looking for her next career opportunity.  Here comes the good part...Michelle Reese is now the acting COO at Tomorrow's Rainbow and the first step in a very long process of succession planning for our organization.  Yahooooooo!!! 

Don't you just love a Chamber success story??? Thanks so much to you both for your constant support of Tomorrow's Rainbow."

Abby Mosher, Owner

Tomorrow's Rainbow

"As a new resident in the Coral Springs area, having moved from Philadelphia, one of my first actions was find a strong Chamber of Commerce. I joined the Coral Springs Regional Chamber in February 2017 and have been thrilled ever since. This is one of the most acitve and vibrant, not to mention, welcoming organizations. From the moment I walked into my first breakfast event, I was welcomed by Chamber Ambassadors. They made sure I was aware of upcoming events. Several invitations were extended to attend the networking groups and community groups.

My membership has been invaluable and I look forward to being a member of this organization for many years to come and I encourage others to join us!"

Adrienne Sasson, The Travel Specialist at Rubinsohn Travel

"Being a member of the Coral Springs Chamber of Commerce, is a wonderful experience and great opportunity to build relationships with other business professionals. Anyone not taking advantage of a chamber membership is definitely missing a chance to really let the community know who you are and what you do. I have made great connections and even better, many great friends. Thank you to everyone on the chamber board for making it all possible!"

Lynn Lessell, Itz Why LLC

"In the short seven months I’ve been a member of the Chamber, I have built some great lasting relationships.  It’s imperative to get involved and to give back.  I believe this has led to our growth and success.  This chamber is very well ran and they support those who support their mission.

- Leandro Figuereo

Performance Title Inc.

"The Nextgen Young Professionals group has been a rewarding experience. Interacting with so many other young professionals, from divierse backgrounds and different areas of expertise has added to my own professional and personal development. At every Nextgen event, I am guaranteed to walk away with new knowledge or an opportunity to build a friendship with a fellow young professional. I highly recommend that all young professionals inquire about joining NextGen"

Joshua Simmons, Educator & City Comissioner

Coral Springs High School

Our Chamber Affiliations