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Platinum Circle

Plat Circle - Newsletter 2021

The Platinum Circle is a group of visionary and civic-minded business leaders committed to moving Northern Broward County forward. The group supports the Chamber’s strategic direction as an investment in the future of our community. Together, we ignite new growth, inspire leadership, and advance our economy. The Platinum Circle empowers the Chamber to play a key leadership role in the community, as well as in the development of future leaders through business education, advocacy, access and networking.

Platinum Circle members have each financially invested a minimum of $10,000 each year. These businesses have an opportunity to increase their exposure through sponsorship of events, as well as through a wide variety of other marketing outlets. The Chamber hosts quarterly dinners/luncheons and additional experiences exclusive for Platinum Circle members to network and grow relationships within this elite group. In addition, Platinum members receive the following benefits:

Platinum Partners receive all of the benefits of Trustee membership +:

  • Complimentary admission for 2 attendees at Trustee luncheons
  • Complimentary admission for 2 attendees for Wake Up Breakfast
  • Minute at the Mic at Trustee Luncheons
  • Two opportunities for Minute at the Mic at Wake Up Breakfast
  • Organization logo prominently displayed on Chamber website
  • Priority Placement of organization logo and website listed on website on Trustee Page
  • Logo on rotating banner on Chamber website
  • Recognition at all events
  • Organization logo displayed at the bottom of every email sent by the Chamber through its e-marketing platform
  • Priority placement of Platinum Circles members on Trustee centerfold in Chamber Community Magazine
  • Organization logo listing as Platinum Circle member in Chamber’s monthly newsletter
  • Priority placement of Platinum Circle members on Event brochures
  • Quarterly social media promotions on Chamber social media
  • First right of acceptance for sponsorships and advertising as well as VIP seating at Chamber events
  • Annual strategic planning meeting with Chamber CEO

If you are interested in becoming a platinum circle member, please contact:

Cindy Brief at