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Professional Women’s Alliance


Vision Statement
To be a source of networking, education & inspiration to women in the Chamber.


Mission Statement
To inspire, educate and empower women in business.

Sponsored by:

baptist health 2019 logo

Upcoming Virtual Luncheon & Featured Speaker

About Professional Women’s Alliance: The Professional Women's Alliance Luncheon meets bi-monthly to strengthen business relationships, hear topical speakers and develop leadership. PWA is all about inspiring, educating and empowering women in business. This event is held on the 1st Wednesday on the even months, this means you will have the opportunity to be a source of networking, education & inspiration to women in the Chamber 6 times a year! While we feature speakers and topics that are designed to appeal to professional women, we are an open and inclusive alliance and our events are open to members of any gender.

Sapphire Sponsor:

Ruby Sponsor:

** If you do not RSVP in advance, members will pay future member price at the door.  Chamber Refund Policy: Cancellations must be received 48 hours prior to the event for a full refund.  E-Mail: cancellation- using event name and date in the subject line.

Member Testimonials

“I have a favorite quote that I’ll share with you– it’s open to interruption..but goes like this….A rising tide lifts all boats…..I feel like PWA is in a great position to be that rising tide for many women.”

"I very rarely leave my office during the 9-5 hours. I feel that this time spent away from my office was very valuable."

“One thing is clear, women of Coral Springs are more than ready to come together for what we have to offer.  That is very exciting news and I feel confident, with our collective passion, we will be that “rising tide” for ourselves and all other women who join us!"

“The women at my luncheon table enjoyed the event immensely --- one remarked that there is absolutely no other place for her to listen to a motivating, quality speaker and network with 100 professional women, all for a low price of $25 !     Wow !    Thank you, all, especially Rebecca for your leadership and Cindy for your vision."

"I am so proud to be affiliated with this group.  Everyone in that room was hungry for good news and a little "sisterhood".

When you see a room full of woman AFTER the event is over, and no one wants to leave, I personally measure it as a successful gathering!"

"Everyone was very professional and friendly. I was put at ease immediately. Presenter was wonderful. I learned some excellent presenting tips" "What a great turn out! Coral Springs Chamber Rocks!"

"Our speaker committee is to be commended for securing the dynamic Ms. Robinson for yesterday's PWA luncheon. Great, great job ladies (as always). Your task is difficult, and you manage success each time!
Trina was correct -- the energy yesterday was positively electrifying... I'm so proud to be associated with all of you."

Some of our Past Speakers


Holocaust Survivors share their Survivor Story

(l-r: Julius Eisenstein & Sally Dauman, Holocaust Survivors)


(l-r) Mary Blasi, City Manager of Coconut Creek, Christine Hunschofsky, Mayor of Parkland, Cindy Brief, Kate Goldman, Donna Denton, Chair of PWA, Erika Royal & Juliet Roulhac


(l-r) Donna Denton, Chair of PWA and Betty Davis, Local 10 News Chief Meteorologist


Lisa Boccard

(l-r: Cindy Brief - CS Chamber President, Barbara Epes Broward Health of Coral Springs, Rebecca Waldorf - PWA Chair, and Lisa Boccard)


Ron Magill of Miami Zoo

(l-r: Rebecca Waldorf - PWA, Ron Magill, and Cindy Brief - CS Chamber President)


Trina Robinson of NBC 6

(l-r: Cindy Brief - President of The Coral Springs Chamber, Trina Robinson, Rebecca Waldorf - Chair of PWA and Andy Kasten -  Past Chair of The Coral Springs Chamber)

Professional Women's Alliance Sponsorships

An opportunity for successful women to network- the mission of PWA is to inspire, educate and empower women in business. Six (6) luncheons are held throughout the year.

Diamond/Title Sponsor (exclusive)

$6,000 Annually
  • [sold]
  • Formal Recognition of your organization as the “Diamond Sponsor” for the entire Coral Springs Chamber‘s PWA (Professional Women’s Alliance) Program (ex: “Your Company” presents……….)
  • Opportunity to introduce your company at the podium during the 6 bi-monthly luncheons throughout the year (5 minute sponsor highlight)
  • Opportunity to speak for 3 minutes at two luncheons
  • Opportunity to set up exhibitor table in prime location to market your company
  • Opportunity to promote your company by distributing materials at the seat of each attendee at each of the six (6) luncheons
  • Company name & logo on event programs
  • Company name and logo on PWA page of Chamber website
  • Company name on all marketing materials related to PWA
  • Complimentary banner ad on Chamber home page for 1 year
  • Two (2) complimentary tickets to each of the six (6) luncheons

Ruby Sponsor (non-exclusive)

$1,500 Annually
  • Recognition of your organization as a “Ruby Sponsor” at the event
  • Opportunity to introduce your company at the podium during two events (1 minute sponsor highlight)
  • Opportunity to set up exhibitor table in prime location to market your company
  • Opportunity to promote your company by distributing materials at two (2) luncheons
  • Company name on event program
  • Company logo on Chamber website – linked to your website
  • Company name on all marketing materials related to PWA, pre and post event.
  • One (1) complimentary ticket to each event

Sapphire Sponsor (non-exclusive)

$750 Annually
  • Opportunity to set up exhibitor table
  • Opportunity to speak for 2 minutes at one luncheon
  • Formal Recognition at the event
  • Company name on event program
  • One complimentary ticket to each event